Very good black bass approx. 4 bass each person to 4 lbs with occasional 5 and 6 lb and a 7 lb 5 oz on sour grape Wacky Worm, electric blue Power lizards, and chartreuse/white spinner on shallow flats south side of lake at the pump station, between the islands and near the marina boat stalls at the creek channel. Limits of crappie, 25 each l l/2 – 2 lbs each on the south side of the pump station on grass flats near the shoreline on live minnows. Place cork bobber l ft. from hook and minnow and cast toward bank and reel slowly toward boat. Approx. l6 crappie each off marina pier to 2 lbs 8-l2PM on live minnows. Crockett Family Resort Rt. 3, Box 460 Crockett, Tx 75835 936/544-8466 According to Guide Carl Guys, 936/544-4502, the bass spawn will be April to May this year. We need 2 weeks of good weather for the bass to turn on quickly. Males are starting to move onto the banks. Females haven’t moved shallow yet. They are 8-l0′ from banks. Black/blue jig and red Rat-L-Traps are recommended. l0-l5′ deep fishing for large female bass. The edges of grassy banks is where the water is the clearest and some bass can been seen. This is where the small male bass are being caught. Cloudy water is currently the story for the rest of the lake and bass 10-20′ Crappie are currently spawning mostly to the edge of grass – sandy banks. A word of thumb for Houston County is crappie spawn when the dogwoods bloom. South side of the pump station and where the 2 creeks “Y” off are good producers. Any sandy banks all over the lake are fair game for nesting bass and crappie.

Water Temp: 72