Lake level: 172.04 and falling Black Bass are moving into deeper water and the bite is slow. Early, work a buzz bait or spinner bait over grass. As the sun gets up, work 14 to 16 ft creek channel points and bends with Texas or Carolina rigged soft plastics and crank baits. Eight inch June bug or watermelon dead ringers working best. Watch for schooling bass chasing shad in the afternoon. Traps and shallow diving cranks working best when schooling. White Bass starting to migrate back into the main lake. Work the river channel sand bars in 8 to 16 ft. of water. Slab spoons and Rinky Dink tail spinners working best. Bream starting to spawn in the shallows. Crickets and worms working best. Crappie being caught in 6 to 8 ft of water along lay-downs and tops along the creek channels. Shiners working best.
Water Temp: 72