ATHENS, Texas — Anglers caught four Budweiser ShareLunkers from four widely separated lakes the weekend of March 11-13, bringing the season’s total to 16. The big bass came from lakes Alan Henry, Austin, Choke Canyon and Fork. Mike Modisett of Lubbock caught lunker No. 13 of the current season from Lake Alan Henry on March 11. The 13.82-pound fish bit a bass minnow in 15 feet of water under a crappie house. It measured 25.75 inches long and 20 inches in girth. The fish was the tenth to be entered in the Budweiser ShareLunker program from Lake Alan Henry and the fifth to be caught from the lake this season. Lake Fork contributed its fifth fish of the season as well on March 11 when Art Price of Crowley hooked a 13.25-pounder while fishing a black and blue jig with Zoom trailer in nine feet of water on the side of a point. The fish was 26 inches long and 21.5 inches in girth. Far to the south of those lakes, Dwayne (“Dukeâ€) Kinley of Austin pulled a 13.07-pound largemouth from four feet of water in Lake Austin on March 12. Kinley was fishing a secondary point using a Brush Hog. The fish was 26.25 inches long and 20 inches around. At about the same time Kinley caught his fish, George Shaw of San Antonio was battling a 13.26-pounder on Choke Canyon Reservoir. Shaw was fishing in 8-9 feet of water when the big bass bit a watermelon red Brush Hog. The fish was 24.75 inches long and 20.25 inches in girth. Shaw’s fish is only the fourth to be entered into the Budweiser ShareLunker program from Choke Canyon. Although the Kinley and Shaw fish appear to have spawned, ShareLunker program manager David Campbell said the fish are capable of spawning again at the Texas Freshwater Fisheries Center in Athens. Hatchery personnel began pairing males and females on March 14, according to Intensive Hatchery manager Juan Martinez. Entries will be accepted into the ShareLunker program until April 30. Anglers legally catching a 13-pound or heavier largemouth bass in Texas waters, public or private, may donate or lend the fish to Texas Parks and Wildlife Department for spawning. To enter a fish call David Campbell at (903) 681-0550 or page him at (888) 784-0600 and leave a phone number, including area code, where you can be reached. TPWD personnel will attempt to pick the fish up within 12 hours, day or night.
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