Water cloudy with clear edges at banks, limits on bass 1 l/2 to 3 lb males in 2′ water across from marina and 5 and 6 lbers on white spinners and blue/green worms or green lizards behind island, 8 lb 3 oz black bass in 5′ water to the left of the marina on high bluff bank; 9 – 20 crappie averaging l l/2 – 3 lbs on live minnows and artificial grubs with the best fishing every other evening with Saturday being one the better evenings. www.crockettresort.com marina@crockettresort.com CROCKETT FAMILY RESORT HOUSTON COUNTY LAKE RT. 3, BOX 460 CROCKETT, TX 75835 936/544-8466
Water Temp: 65