Striper Fishing On Lake Texoma Monday and Tuesday, July 2 and 3. Lake level: 618.26. Water Temperature: 80 degrees. Water clarity: Clear. Generation: 8:00 a.m. till 11:00 p.m. Floodgates: Closed. Weather: low 69 / high 89 / partly cloudy to clear. Fishing time: 5:30 a.m. till 11:30 a.m. The bait tanks are out of our boats for the morning trips. Sunday produced more fish on slabs than with live bait. On Monday, Captain Joe Grigar and his three fishermen came in with 38 silversides up to 4.5 pounds caught along the east bank north of Platter Flats using glow slabs. Captain Mitch Ragland and his two fishermen came in with 21 stripers to 5 pounds using chartreuse and white 1.25 ounce slabs. On Tuesday two boats went out with 1.5 ounce slabs and top water lures tied on and the results were great. Limits of the 20”+ fish (up to 8 pounds) were boated along with several smaller stripers. Several 20”+ fish were caught and released. Large stripers (10 pounds and up) are being caught just before dark on 4” to 11” gizzard shad on the main body of the lake. Free lineing the big gizzards while putting the 4” to 6” baits down about 25 feet is working best. This is the time to catch that trophy striper you have been looking for. Get out your 1 to 2 ounce slabs and a noisy topwater lure or two and enjoy chasing the stripers in the mornings. Report submitted by: Tinker’s Striper Guide Service, To see pictures of last weeks catch go to:

Water Temp: 80