GPS coordinates and fishing information for Toledo Bend North

The following GPS coordinates are provided for general reference.

GPS Waypoints for Toledo Bend North:
Submitted by David A. McClung

GPS Waypoints start at the very north end of the lake and work south covering both sides to Bayou San Patricio then down the west side to the Pendleton bridge. The list then works back up the east side to BAYOU SAN PATRICIO. Note that the naming convention used is the first letter of the lake name is the first letter of the waypoint. All points here are named T????? This keeps all of the Toledo Bend points together in my receiver. All lake points end in P or PT; all creek entrances, coves, and bayou entrances end in C; and any marinas, camps or ramps end in R. The numbers at the beginning of some of the descriptions correspond to areas indicated on the Top Spot Map for Toledo Bend.

In the vicinity of Toledo Bend 1 minute latitude equals about 1.15 statute miles (5280 feet per statute mile) or 1.01 nautical miles (6000 feet per nautical mile) and 1 minute longitude equals about .99 statute miles or 0.87 nautical miles. Therefore, one tenth of a minute is about 600 feet and one hundreth of a minute is about 60 feet. The points indicated here should be within about 60 feet of actual points on the ground. This is roughly the same as the estimated position error (EPE) available from the GPS system.

The points are generally in the water, just off of the topographical feature indicated. The GPS Waypoints will help you know where you are on the lake.

Extreme CAUTION should be used when navigating to the points. USE THIS INFORMATION AT YOUR OWN RISK!


W TGUMPD N3153.76000 W09355.24000 27-MAR-97 00:00:00 00172 GUM POND

W TCIRCM N3153.53000 W09353.89000 27-MAR-97 00:00:00 00172 CIRCLE DRIVE MARINA

W TWLDCT N3152.55000 W09353.50000 27-MAR-97 00:00:00 00172 WILDCAT BEND SABINE

W TTENEB N3150.67000 W09355.17000 27-MAR-97 00:00:00 00172 ENT TENEHA BAYOU

W TTENEP N3150.79000 W09358.31000 27-MAR-97 00:00:00 00172 PT TENEHA BAY BACK

W TRVRLK N3150.28000 W09352.75000 27-MAR-97 00:00:00 00172 88 OLD RIVER LAKE

W TJOLLM N3149.98000 W09350.31000 27-MAR-97 00:00:00 00172 JOLLY ROGERS MARINA

W TPAULS N3149.51000 W09355.11000 27-MAR-97 00:00:00 00172 PAULS STORE

W TTENEF N3148.67000 W09352.91000 27-MAR-97 00:00:00 00172 90 TENEHA FLATS

W TBOSRB N3147.64000 W09348.25000 27-MAR-97 00:00:00 00172 ENT BOSSIER BAYOU

W TGRANC N3146.75000 W09352.04000 27-MAR-97 00:00:00 00172 ENT GRANNIES CREEK

W TMCDOB N3146.46000 W09347.42000 27-MAR-97 00:00:00 00172 ENT MCDONALD BAYOU

W TRVRBH N3145.72000 W09349.73000 27-MAR-97 00:00:00 00172 87 RIVER BASS HOLES

W TCONVR N3145.87000 W09347.08000 27-MAR-97 00:00:00 00172 CONVERSE 174 RAMP

W THARVR N3145.00000 W09350.25000 27-MAR-97 00:00:00 00172 HARVEYS LANDING

W TSIEPE N3143.73000 W09349.29000 27-MAR-97 00:00:00 00172 ENT SIEPE BAYOU

W TSIEPB N3143.01000 W09352.67000 27-MAR-97 00:00:00 00172 87 BACK SIEPE BAYOU

W TBOU73 N3142.00000 W09347.70000 27-MAR-97 00:00:00 00172 INTERSCTION BOUY 73

W TJIMBR N3141.74000 W09346.54000 27-MAR-97 00:00:00 00172 JIMMIE BISONS CAMP

W TRAGTN N3140.89000 W09349.59000 27-MAR-97 00:00:00 00172 RAGTOWN

W TBRSHS N3140.46000 W09349.53000 27-MAR-97 00:00:00 00172 84 BRUSHY SLOUGH

W TWILSC N3137.98000 W09349.81000 27-MAR-97 00:00:00 00172 ENT WILSON CREEK

W TBRITC N3137.29000 W09350.18002 27-MAR-97 00:00:00 00172 81 ENT BRITIAN CRK

W THAMLT N3135.76000 W09350.54000 27-MAR-97 00:00:00 00172 CITY EAST HAMILTON

W TMRTZC N3135.36000 W09350.43000 27-MAR-97 00:00:00 00172 79 MARTINEZ COVES

W TWEBBL N3134.00000 W09349.16000 27-MAR-97 00:00:00 00172 WEBB LAKE

W TCHCKC N3131.51000 W09346.97000 27-MAR-97 00:00:00 00172 66 CHICKEN COOP

W TOLD56 N3131.45000 W09346.35000 27-MAR-97 00:00:00 00172 OLD JOINT BOUY 56

W TSTEWR N3130.74000 W09346.24000 27-MAR-97 00:00:00 00172 STEWARTS RIDGE

W TPTRNB N3131.68000 W09349.13000 27-MAR-97 00:00:00 00172 76 PATROON BAY

W TMASNC N3130.64000 W09348.33000 27-MAR-97 00:00:00 00172 73 MASON CREEK

W TCORSC N3129.70000 W09346.94000 27-MAR-97 00:00:00 00172 71 CORSEY CREEK

W TSBEND N3128.89000 W09345.04000 27-MAR-97 00:00:00 00172 65 S BEND IN RIVER

W TPENDR N3129.83000 W09343.13000 27-MAR-97 00:00:00 00172 PENDLETN BDG RESORT

W TAYRSB N3130.14000 W09342.18000 27-MAR-97 00:00:00 00172 AYERS BRANCH

W TLANAB N3130.82000 W09342.73000 27-MAR-97 00:00:00 00172 ENT BAYOU LA NANA

W TBECHB N3131.73000 W09340.60000 27-MAR-97 00:00:00 00172 ENT BEECH BAYOU

W T191LA N3131.20000 W09339.04000 27-MAR-97 00:00:00 00172 191 BRIDGE LA NANA

W THURLA N3131.98000 W09338.44000 27-MAR-97 00:00:00 00172 HURRICNE CK LA NANA

W TSMIQB N3132.67000 W09343.39000 27-MAR-97 00:00:00 00172 ENT BYOU SAN MIGUEL

W TCOZYP N3134.21000 W09342.20000 27-MAR-97 00:00:00 00172 COZY POINT

W T191MI N3137.92000 W09339.94000 27-MAR-97 00:00:00 00172 191 BDG SAN MIGUEL

W TBLUER N3135.36000 W09345.48000 27-MAR-97 00:00:00 00172 BLUE LAKE RAMP

W TSOLNR N3137.43000 W09346.18000 27-MAR-97 00:00:00 00172 SOLANS CAMP

W TPATRB N3138.23000 W09346.24000 27-MAR-97 00:00:00 00172 ENT B SAN PATRICIO

W T191PA N3140.98000 W09343.64000 27-MAR-97 00:00:00 00172 191 BDG S PATRICIO

I have not verified all of these point on the water so would appreciate feedback from the users. Feel free to email me at

David A. McClung
