Lake Level: 171.76 ft, (172 ft high pool) slowly falling Clarity: Muddy to stained on the North End clearing further south Temp: lower 50s, water is starting to gradually warm. A lot of water still coming into the lake but the Authority is releasing a lot of water creating a small fall in the level. Black bass starting to take off. Five fish stringers up to 26 lbs on 3/8 to 3/4 oz spinner baits slow rolled from bank shallow to 7 ft of water on inside and outside grass lines, jigs in black/blue or camo pitched in 2 to 3 ft bushes and 1/2 to 3/4 oz crawfish and chartreuse traps fished in 5 to 7 ft grass clumps working best. A number of double digit fish coming in up to 12 lbs. Good reports of White Bass coming in off the river above the Logansport bridge. Concentrate in the flooded sloughs with 1/4 to 1/2 oz. Chrome/ blue back traps, and chartreuse or white road runners working best. Crappie have slowed from last week. Some still being caught but they are suspended in 12 to 14 foot in 20 to 24 ft of water. Concentrate at the mouth of the sloughs dumping into the river channel. Chartreuse jigs tipped with shiners working best.
Water Temp: 50s